Common Parent Questions
Explore our FAQ page for answers to parents' most frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions
What does my child need to bring to Nursery?
Babies -
A supply of nappies and wipes
Nappy cream
Change of clothes
Comforter if needed
Baby Formula/powered milk (if required)
Feeding bottle
Sun hat and sun cream (summer)
Winter hat and gloves (winter)
Toddlers -
A supply of nappies and wipes
Change of clothes
All-in-one waterproof suit for playing outside
Comforter if needed
Juice beaker
Sun hat and sun cream (summer)
Winter hat and gloves (winter)
Pre-school -
Change of clothes
Waterproof coat
Bag detailing child's name
Water/juice beaker
Sun hat and sun cream (summer)
Winter hat and gloves (winter)
Do you complete a daily diary for my child?
Yes. We automatically complete a daily diary for all the babies in our care which goes home with them each day. There is a section in the diary for parents to inform us of any required information. When your baby transitions to 2-3 care. the diary continued until they are out of nappies and no-longer sleeping during the day.,
Do you offer flexible childcare?
Yes. We are currently the only nursery in the local area which offers childcare aligned to parent working patterns. We ask parents to provide their work rota a month in advance.
Do you charge a fee for Lunches and Snacks?
A home cooked hot lunch is £2.50 per day and this is tailored to the dietary requirements of your child. The lunch fee is only charged to those in receipt of government funded childcare. For parents who pay in full for their childcare, the lunch fees are included in the fees. Children are also welcome to bring a packed lunch instead if they wish. Please contact us with any queries.
Do you offer Government Funded Childcare?
Yes. Please see details on your Funding page.
Do I still have to pay fees if my child is on holiday or ill?
Yes if you are not eligible for Government funding. This is because the space for your child, and our costs associated with it, remain in place whether or not your child attends. If you receive Government funding, you do not have to pay.
Are you open on Bank Holidays?
Unfortunately we do not open on Bank Holidays or weekends.
How can I keep up to date on my child's progress at Nursery?
We operate an online learning journey through the Tapestry platform. Staff update this regularly with your child's progress and you can access this at your leisure. When your child is registered with us, you will receive a code to register for Tapestry. We also use the platform to send updates to parents on changes to nursery policies and procedures. Parents are also able to upload pictures and updates of your child completing activities at home etc, if you would like nursery to be aware as part of their learning journey
Can my child attend nursery during school holidays/inset days?
Children in receipt of 22 hours stretch funding can attend during school holidays. Children who are not, can only attend during term time. Child who pay in full, without any Government Funding, can also attend during school holidays. This also applies to school inset days.
Can my Government funding child attend two childcare settings?
Yes. We would then discuss which childcare provider would receive the funding, with the other being paid for, or if the funding would be split between the two settings. Please contact us if you need to make such arrangements
Dedicated childcare with over 30 years experience.
01283 810033
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